Friday, December 28, 2012

Romanticizing The Past

When I was little, I was fascinated with the Old West. I know, I know, people got sick & they died horrible deaths, but let me explain. I saw freedom in it. I saw adventure. I saw the generosity in the community.  If you didn't like the town you were living in, it was so easy to just pick and leave. No two week notices. No worrying about if you could find a house or an apartment in your price range. No monthly bills to forward to your new address. Don't get me started on how the banking system has changed. You were just able to be without Big Brother up your derriere. 

Since I had insomnia last night, I was able to watch 'Late Night Black & White' on GSN. What that consist of is two game shows from the late 50's & early 60's, "What's My Line?" & "I've Got A Secret". The reason I love these shows was how people dressed. The women wore tailored dresses, had their make-up & hair done, walked up straight, and talked like ladies. The men wore tailored suits. They were respectful. At the end of each round of "What's My Line?", the male panelists would stand to shake your hand. 

Don't get me wrong, I love living in present time. I have indoor plumbing and cable. Also, by today's standards, I not considered an old maid.  Which is a plus.
I guess what I miss is the mutual respect. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Oh, The Things I Learn!

This past week has been full of learning experiences. So I decided, me being the awesome person that I am, I would share them with you. That way you don't have to learn them on your own. 

* People who don't believe in God, want Him wiped from society also blame him for mass shootings. I spent 2 hours with this one last night. This is pretty much how the conversation went, "There is no god. How could your god allow this to happen? Your god sucks."

* New racial epitaphs regarding the black culture. Not that I knew a lot of them before hand, but with the country being quickly divided, I hear them all over the news.
From ESPN, I learned 'cornball brother'. Not sure why he would be a 'cornball', the only thing I can think of is if someone is light enough to pass as white, they're refer to as 'high yellow' & corn is yellow.
The other one made me go, huh? 'Black is skin color only.' Let that one sink in for a bit. I thought the amount of melanin in your skin was what made you the 'color' you are.  Is there something else that can make you a 'color'?

* First amendment is for liberal thought bubbles only. All others is not allowed. A conservative radio show host simply stated in a tweet that "Pres. Obama shouldn't politicize a memorial service" Didn't call him a name, wasn't being mean or sarcastic, a clear statement is all she made. She was berated by hundreds. How dare she say anything against Obama! (if you didn't know, the woman I'm talking about is none other than Dana Loesch (@DLoesch on twitter))

* Unions in Lansing Where do I begin? I think I'll just stay on the tent issue. A great majority of these we'll call them people didn't care that there were elderly & handicap people in tent as they tore it down. They didn't care that small business owner was inside protecting his investment when they tore it down. They also didn't care as they damaged his private property & called him vile racial names. When these 'people' found out there was a propane heater in there, they shouted for the tent to burn! Then we it finally fell, they took knives to cut the fabric to hand out as 'spoils'. After the people from inside left the scene, all you could see were capsized tables, the lawn covered with pamphlets, & one kicked in computer tower.

Basically what I learned is that a lot of the so-called free thinkers have the smallest thought bubbles.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

So I Went To A Protest

On Tuesday, December 11th, I went to Lansing with my union local for the Right To Work protest. Here's a tip for anyone that has an anxiety disorder like myself, I don't recommend it without proper medication. 

When I first got to the fringe part of the protest, there were some talkers. Upset, loud, but the crowd was somewhat calm. The angriest group outside were on the capital steps. If you ignored the talkers & the signs, it looked like a street fair. 

After taking some video of the talkers, I went for a little walk. I was trying to find the AFP tent that a friend was in. I found it. Wasn't hard. When I got there, there was a heated discussion between some union guys & this nicely dressed gentleman. So I got out my video camera. Taped that discussion when another one started behind me. I heard (& hopefully captured) a white union guy ask a well dressed black man 'how does it feel to be bought?'

After that talk calmed down, I found I was near the door to tent. So I sneaked in. Where I was greeted my 2 lovely women offering me coffee. I turned it down & went searching for my friend. Found him. We talked a bit. He knew I couldn't stay long. While I talked to him, I noticed a lot of union people looking in the tent. It made me queasy because I to go back out. I got back out with no problem.

I want to say, about 10:15ish, we marched around the capital building. I don't know why. One guy had a megaphone who lead the chants. The people I met while walking. I met a teacher who was texting while marching. Met the guy that stuck out the most to me at the beginning of the march. He was in his young 20's (if he was even 20). Nice guy. Very gay. Which automatically made me love him. (I have a thing for gay guys) But he told me that one the other union guys took a swing at him. Now I should mention, my friend was dressed with union logos at the time. I asked him what happened. He said this guy came up to him, called him a tea-bagger & told to get the f*ck out of there! Then swung. I couldn't believe it. When I told one of my coworkers about it, she was fine with it, blaming the younger one.

After the march, I went back to the tent. Got good video the first time, thought I try it again. When I got there, I noticed one guy trying to take down the tent. He was stopped by security. When I got up to the front, I got out my camera again. This time I taped a teacher 'teaching' one of the AFP guys about the Gadsden flag & how it came to be. (You'll have to watch the video, she was funny)

Shortly after I shot that video, I got my camera out again to tape what the firefighter was saying. I swear about 20-30 seconds later, I'm getting shoved from behind by the guys from AFP so they could save the tent. (They apologized while they shoved me) Then I saw people charged the tent. The next 5 seconds I'm not sure how I got out. Hear what I saw after that, people trying get the dog to chew up one of the banners from the tent, the pamphlets from the tent being tossed in the air, & police horses. I was a bit scared. I knew people in there.

When the police horses showed up, I left. I decided I needed a walk & a drink. If you all must know, I had a Jack & coke. If you ever meet me, buy me one. I'd appreciate it. After I left the bar, I crossed paths with the teacher & her union guy. They gave me the evil eye. Apparently they thought I was with the AFP. 

By the time I got back to the protest site, they had stormed the Romney building. I watched one guy with an escort of about 14 or 16 cops getting taken away. He got pepper sprayed. The rant I heard from the building was 'No one in! No one out!' 

To tell you the truth, it all became a blur after awhile. I know I did one on-camera interview.  Like I said, I have an anxiety disorder. I was more amazed that I didn't completely shut down. I remember seeing riot police, anger, billy clubs, litter, & children.

So I went. If I go again, I want to be on the other side. If I remember more, I write another piece.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I Am Offended

Apparently America is offended by everything lately. Someone can breathe wrong & someone will be offended. So here are some things that 'offend' me.

I despise calling someone or someone calling me a racist. How are you supposed prove them wrong? Say "I can't be racist, my baby daddy is black", "my dealer is Mexican", or "my gardener is Asian". Will that really work? (You can change those to how you want by the way) 

Same thing with the calling someone 'homophobe'. How can you prove them wrong? As a straight woman, how would I be able to say I'm not a homophobe. (Beside that I do not fear homosexuals which is what a 'phobia' is) Say I can't be a homophobe because I experimented in college? Ridiculous.

Now on to gender roles/feminism/emasculation. Chose your word. I don't care. A community college made construction workers stop working on campus until they changed their sign. What did the sign say that was SOOOO offensive? "Caution: Men at Work" It wasn't gender neutral. Give me a break. It's a sign put there for the workers safety! Not only that, there were no women in the crew. It was an all male crew!! Get over yourselves. 

Here's something I'm pretty sure we all can agree on. Bubble kids. Do you know what a 'bubble kid' is. A bubble kid is a child whose mother wanted everything in life to be easy for them. Can't let them get frustrated learning hard things like learning to write neatly, tying their shoes, cleaning up after themselves, and proper manners. Do you know what these children grow up to be? Occupiers.

This one is just a real big pet peeve annoyance of mine that kind of offends. Sports players talking about how hard they have to work. I'm sorry. They get paid how much? No job is ever easy. If it was, it wouldn't be called a job. It's the whininess of their voices when they say it. Meanwhile, we have men & women overseas, working basically around the clock, having bullets & rockets aimed at them for very little pay. That offends me!

Last thing. I promise. People who don't read past the headlines and want to tell me how to think about news stories.

Now I don't feel so offended.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Controversial Thought of the Day

I'm going to put on my theologian hat today. So if you aren't into religious talk, you might want to skip this post.

To date, my favorite theologian question to get people riled up is "When did Jesus know who he truly was? What his mission on Earth was to be?" 

Oh the answers. The silly fights. I love it. I should tell you, my mother taught me when I was young that if it has nothing to do with my salvation, not to worry about it. So, I don't. But that won't stop me from asking questions & being a pain.

So I was listening to this song today & it mentioned the phrase 'original sin'. That got be thinking about how some Christians' view Mary. I should tell you now, I am a protestant. My father was raised in the Christian Reformed church & my mother was raised in what is called 'Gospel Hall' or how I refer to it, Strict Baptist. I do have an Irish Catholic aunt & my father is the godfather to a Polish Catholic. (Yes, I mentioned the different countries. There's a difference, so I'm told) Enough of that rabbit trail.

Anyway, back to original sin & how it portrays to Mary, Jesus' mom. Some people believe that Mary didn't have original sin. Some even put her on this pedestal & worship her. Either one, I don't get. But here is my thought. What if Mary wasn't pick out by God because of the original sin thing, but because who she was engaged to, Joesph. I hear people yelling now. But please hear me out. In the Old Testament, it talked about the Messiah being from the line of David. The line of David pointed to Joesph, not Mary. Not saying she wasn't a wonderful mother or anything.

That's just my thought. I could be wrong. My main focus in life will always be Jesus. Its just every once in a while, I like to stir the pot & get people thinking.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Feel Ranty

Ugh. So many things, but don't feel like writing a lot. My fault, I haven't really written a rant in a while. So let's see how much I fit in here before I get bored still we?

Okay, first off.  To all those who did not do anything during this past election cycle besides talk on twitter/facebook, but want to complain or talk bad about those who did do something, SHUT UP!!!! You did nothing but sit on your butt behind a computer talking smack. That makes you a punk. Meanwhile, the people you mock/complain about, sacrificed time with family, cold called strangers, went door to door. Until you are willing to do the same, you opinion is invalid.

Next! Greediness at Christmas time. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas!!! I love shopping for other people. It brings me such joy! But there is one thing that gets my panties in a bunch. I'll explain. Growing up, my parents weren't poor, but we weren't rich by any stretch of the imagination, but we had enough. Never really did anything extravagant at Christmas, but we always had a good time & created memories.
Premise set, now I'll start. At my job, we have a giving tree where you can 'adopt' someone for Christmas. No problem. (I got adopted one year, so I'm paying back) When I first started, I adopted teenagers. Why? Because everyone wanted to buy for the babies. The teenagers that were in our mix to choose from wanted bath soap & socks. Just basics. Yesterday, the tree was up, so I went over to look for someone to adopt. All I can say is WOW! The stuff they want my mother would slap me for asking for such things, especially a stranger. They are asking for things that start at $50 & going up to a few hundred dollars. I cannot fathom that! That's being greedy.

Okay, next. How the hell is Bloomberg getting away with rejecting donations? There are people starving! Freezing! With no homes! And he says, NO? Why hasn't anyone bitch-slapped him yet? Don't say no to free food, unless its rancid or tainted with drugs. Also, why not more backlash at New Jersey for turning away non-union help? If someone is willing to work for free (or even at cost) to help after a disaster, shut up & let them!

Finally, I am over this 'anti-bullying' crap. Okay, I understand some bullying goes too far. I would never bully someone to the point of contemplating suicide. I believe a little bullying is good for you. Why? Because the world is not nice. No matter how much we all want it to be, it will never be. So it teaches you how to let things roll off your back & not get the best of you.  Also along with that, most of the 'anti-bullying' leaders are the biggest bullies out there. And I, for one, am sick of it and you should be to.

That's all I got for today. If you notice, yes I did change the name of my blog. Its a title of a poem I wrote years ago. The blurb up top are the first lines. Thank you to all who read my blog. Y'all rock! MUAH!

Friday, November 2, 2012

It's My Fault

I'm sorry. Apparently 'climate change' is my fault. In the 1970's the Earth was heading into an ice age. Then I was born. 

The Earth started to warm up.  I have even been accused of putting a hole in the Ozone layer. (What can I say? Junior High was a bitch & I lashed out) I kept on this trend for quite a while. I liked my warm weather.

Then it happened. I became so highly attractive, I became magnetic! So now the North Pole is starting to creep on me. He's showing off his power by throwing all these so-called super storms around the Earth.

So once again, I apologize. I didn't mean for it to happen. I will try to keep my awesomely adorableness to a minimum. Sorry for all the destruction this has cause. 


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Confessions of a TV Junkie

I confess, I LOVE competition reality shows! Adore them. Was thinking about it earlier, and I do watch a lot of them. Some I'm straying away from, or have all together. But for the most part, I have my faves. So I split them into groups & I'll tell why I love them or have stopped watching.

PERFORMING ARTS (singing/dancing/variety)
X-Factor, American Idol, America's Got Talent, The Voice

I always love the auditions for these, its afterwards they lose me. American Idol - I quit watching that after Simon left. I was getting bored and his way of delivering the truth kept me watching. America's Got Talent - I watch the auditions & that's it. I love that got Howard Stern as a judge. Can't stand Mandel.  The Voice - I watched the first season. I feel it like pandered too much to the judges. X-Factor - Watching it for the first time this season. This will probably be my last as well. I hear that a Kardashian will be a judge, so I'm out.

Chopped, Top Chef, Top Chef Masters, Hell's Kitchen, Master Chef

The knife techniques, flavor profiles, & timing constraints that go into a plate in these shows would make me nuts! 
Chopped - Love this show. Timed, rules, & wacky ingredients make this show amazing. There are some judges I don't care for, but for the most part its awesome.
Top Chef/Top Chef Masters - I love these shows, because of the challenges. No matter how great of a chef you think you are, if you're not ready to think outside the box, you'll lose.
Hell's Kitchen - By far, my favorite!! Why? I believe it will be going into its 11th season this next year & we will still have chefs coming in not knowing Ramsay's menu. Every year, he has the same 3 things. Scallops, risotto, beef wellington. Every year, those 3. Without fail, you will have chefs, not knowing how to cook a scallop. I've been watching through a TV screen, and I can tell you when a scallop is raw. I am not a trained chef! I can barely cook! Then there's Master Chef. I love it. Home chefs come in & try to cook restaurant quality food. That's just good drama.

Last but not least its

Project Runway, Project Runway All-Stars, America's Next Top Model

Oh, the diva-ness of these shows. When I watch them, I feel like I have a gay man living inside me screaming to come out. I get it, fashion is their passion. There are just times that they treat it like if this hem isn't in straight, the world will collapse. On ANTM, a model contestant blew a raspberry because she was exasperated, and one of the judges went off on her while on the shoot. He was just blown away that she would act in such a manner! Like, 'how dare you?!'  Do not get me wrong, I love fashion, but lets get real, it is not life or death. At least when Ramsay goes off on his chefs, its because they were going to send out raw food which would make someone ill. Priorities! 

I guess the two main reasons I love these shows is the competitiveness & the creativity. Which is what has kept America going. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Lost Art of Being Civil

First of all, how great of book title would that be! It sounds like one of those upper tier type of reading. I'll have to keep in mind if I ever write a book. I figure I should finish reading one before I try writing one. (BTW, I'm currently in the middle of reading 2 e-books & 8 regular print books). Back to my original thought.

What does civil mean? (from
civ·il  (svl)adj.
4. Of or in accordance with organized society; civilized.
5. Sufficiently observing or befitting accepted social usages; not rude: a civil reply. See Synonyms at polite.

Growing up, my mother made sure I had manners. I addressed every adult that was not family as Mr or Mrs. At the family table, we did not bring distractions & engaged in the conversation. 'Getting dressed' to go outside meant clean clothes. To this day, I have a hard time going outside to my car in my pajamas. 

If I was in an argument, I was taught language & tone. Hitting was allowed in self-defense. (I had 2 older brothers, so I had to use it a lot) Name calling was beneath what I was supposed to bring to the table.

The reason I bring those examples up is because in the world today it seems that there are no manners left.

Example: How many children today address adults as Mr/Sir or Mrs/Miss/Ma'am
(It's okay, I'll wait while you think about it)

When was last time you sat down to eat with no phones at the table?

I'd be happy if people that shopped at Wal-Mart wore clothes that fit. If they're clean, its an added bonus!

To me, that's just pure laziness in life. On the my last point, arguments.

It seems in the last few years, people have gotten trigger happy in arguments. It used to be it was just the lowest of lows that resorted to violence/murder. Every where I turn, people threaten death on anyone that disagrees with them. And if it isn't death, its rape on their wife or children. 



Our minds have become so narrow & small that any deviation must be exterminated?

That's not how I want to live. I like being able to discuss/argue ideas with others. It forces me to strengthen my argument. It forces me to go back & look up facts.

For me to threaten violence is like someone yelling 'RACIST!', it means I lost the argument. I lost the fight & this is how I can get you to shut up. Plus, it just sounds ignorant. I'm not ignorant, just flippant.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I'm No Newt Gingrich...

... but I know history is important. It tells us where we come from. What works & doesn't work. It shapes us.

The number one proverb I've heard about history is 'Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it.' If you pay attention, it's been repeated in different countries by those who didn't.

Growing up, I was taught history. Not only American history, but religious, world, & pop culture history. Why things were the way they were. A lot of my counterparts were the same way. We learned, we retained, we knew. It seems today more Americans know more about Lady Gaga, reality shows, & Bragelina's kids birthplaces than they do about who the first 5 presidents or the 5 were.

That saddens me. There is a right way & a wrong way of 'changing' history. Right ~ You go out & do something newsworthy. You stand your ground. You let your voice be known. Wrong ~ You simply rewrite it.

The only way to stop the second one is to teach people. Talk to them. Discuss with them. Make them a part of the conversation. Don't let them think for a second that we the people have lost our voice. The only way we lose it is if we stop using it. As long as one person is able to keep the truth alive, the lie cannot truly live.

This goes beyond politics. This is our lives! My future, your future, your brother's future, your neighbor's future. Don't let the 1% or the media (or whoever else you want to throw in here) tell or make you feel that you are powerless!

Knowledge is power! Always be willing to learn. Never stop. Interact with others.

I hope this makes sense. If not, I'm not rewriting it, It's not my style. My mind is somewhat zombiefied this week. Did you know that people wake up at 5 am? I always thought of it as more as a bedtime. Learned something new. Anyways, I appreciate all of you that read my blog. I think its awesome.

Friday, September 7, 2012

2 Americas

At the DNC this week, Bill Clinton made the remark that we as a nation have to choose between two Americas.

The first one he said was a winner take all America. Which means to me competition, striving to be the best, individual responsibility & hard work. This is what my family taught me.

The second one he said was one of shared responsibility. Which means to me that everybody gets a trophy! Also, if someone doesn't have enough money for rent, & I have a surplus in my budget, they get my money to pay their rent.

If these are my two choices, I will take the first one.

Which one will you choose?

Friday, August 31, 2012

Didn't Know I Was Even Nominated

I'm speechless. I'm not sure what I did to receive such an honor. It's official, I am an asshole.!/shoegazn/assholes/members

To be included in such a group, I'm so touch. *tearing up*
So many people to thank. Where to begin?

Well, first & foremost, I have to thank God. Without him, none of this would exist.
Ooh! Gotta thank my mom & dad. If they didn't have sex that one time, I wouldn't exist.
My high school history & government teacher, he taught me to see the corny/cheesy humor in politics.
Gotta give a big shout out to Evan Williams, creator of Twitter & Blogger. Without these sites, not as many people would know I'm an asshole.

The list is long, but instead of boring you with that, here some videos. Enjoy!

And of course, theme song

** As of Sept 9, 2012, I am no longer on the list. But still check it. This guy really doesn't like people.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Is this racist, Mr. Holder?

Hi! My name is Jennie. I voted today.

This is where I were I live. Population 4,275

This is where I voted.

This is what I saw on the door.

So I went in with no camera. First I had to fill out a slip of paper that asked me if I was an American citizen. Then sign my name. Under that, date of birth & current residential address.

After I fill out the slip of paper, I go to the table where I'm greeted by Dustin, the election committee chairman. He ask me for these.

So I handed him my ID. He scanned my ID into the computer. Everything was good. So he sent me to the next guy who gave me my ballot. I went to the little table, colored in some circles, put the ballot in the machine. I was done.

I guess I don't get the uproar about voter ID's. I've in this town & my life. Most of the election committee know me & my family, but I still show my ID.

Someone told me its a question of cost. In Michigan, your first driver's license cost you $25, renewal is $18. I have a chauffeur, which $35 each time. Regular ID's cost $10 (unless 65 years old+, then its free) each time.

I voted today.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Being a Commodore 64 in a PC world

I'm really over this hypersenstivity in America today. It makes no sense! When I was young, the saying was 'Sticks & stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.' What happened to that? Why must I change my way of speaking to make you feel better about yourself? So I can be called out to be a bully?

I've never been good at talking politically correct. I tried, in the 90's. Honest! Everyone was doing it. It was cool. I found myself having to talk more to get an idea across because I had to make sure I didn't offend anybody. How dreadfully boring! I like to speak quick & to the point. If I don't, I ramble.

But now it's gotten to the point, you might offend someone that's not even in the conversation or really care about your opinion. PC-ism is to protect everyone's feelings, right? Or is it about control?

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. About 5 years ago, I watched this comedian's routine. I wish I could remember his name, but I love the story just the same. He liked to use the words 'retard' or 'retarded in his show. After his show one night, an audience member came up to him, and said, 'You shouldn't use words like that. That will hurt the people with Down Syndrome feelings. They don't like to be called that.' His response was, " 'Really? Let's go ask Timmy. Hey, Timmy, what do you want to called?' 'Pickle!' " Timmy doesn't seem to care. He just wants to play & have fun.

Why are protecting people who don't want or don't need it?

Here's an another hypersenstivity becoming bullying tactic. Last week, I just signed onto Twitter & saw my friend was in a Twitter fight. So I added my two cents. The guy said he had a superior IQ & thus smarter than my friend. I let him know that IQ is not on a scale from 1-100, so the 86 that he scored wasn't really that good. Then for the next 22 hours, I was called a bigot, a bully, and gay basher. I was also told by many of them 'attacking' me that my God was just an imaginary friend. This all started when I made a sarcastic remark not knowing what the whole conversation. That was about 11 pm on a Sunday night. I left the discussion 2 hours later to go to sleep. When I signed back into Twitter Monday night, I found out I was still being harassed.

During that whole discussion, I found that these so-called victims were just verbal bullies. Not only that, the guy that started it all, blocked me. I find that hilarious. He started the fight, but couldn't handle truth, so he blocked me and others that night.

One last thing, I post things on Facebook, mainly internet political memes. Everytime I post anything that does not fit the liberal way of thinking, I get personally attacked. I think its funny. The "We're tolerant of everything as long as you agree with us" mentality is just absurd! If you don't think like them, you can have anything thrown at you. Most of the time, it mundane like saying you're naive or racist. Sometimes it's exetreme like wishing rape & murder on you.

But, I'm the bully.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Label I Was Given

That label was FAT. It wasn't recently. It started in kindergarten, but that was given to me by my peers. By the time I was in third grade, I went from a Christian school to a public school. The public school put me in a group called 'WOW', which stood for Watch Our Weight. At that time, I didn't think I was that fat. I was 8. I played outside all the time with my neighbors. I didn't think of anything about my body. Now my fate was sealed, I was fat.

After a few sessions, I no longer played outside the way I used to. I stayed inside, watched TV, & became a closet eater. By the time I got to junior high, I was 5'8, a 130 lbs, & size 12. Still not really all that fat, just slightly above average.

Junior high is an awful place, all your insecurities get worse. I know mine did. I started getting teased for everything and anything. So I stopped engaging with people. Not entirely, just became more introverted. I learned than that people are out to hurt you.

Then came high school, since I gave up already I didn't lose any of the weight during the summer. I probably gained, because I stopped swimming because of the looks I got at the pool. I just went through the motions of high school. I tried to engage more, but not everyone matures at the same rate. By the time I left high school, I was 5'10, 196 lbs, & wore a size 16.

The heaviest I was 258 lbs & a size 22. That was about 2 years ago. Then I got a bad pain in my abdominal area. I went to the doctor, got tested & scanned. The scans revealed that I had diverticulitis. Which means I ruined my digestive tract by my diet. The only way to heal it is to be nicer to my body. There are a list of things I can't eat in a large quantity, because it slows the healing process & puts me in pain for days.

But because of it, I have I started eating better. I'm still not great at it, I have a lot retraining to do. I have a problem with portion control & exercise. But I have lost 25 lbs so far and with the support I'm getting from friends, I believe I will get healthier.

I'm not saying that I'm a victim, because that's not my way. I just wanted to show you a glimpse of what happens with the seeds we plant into children's minds. They're oblivious to most things. They don't know the differences until you plant them into their heads.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How Do You See You?

Here's why I ask. I watched an episode of 'What Not To Wear' & the lady getting the makeover was a lesbian that came out in the 80's. So in her mind, she couldn't wear dresses or make up. So for years, she didn't. She gave up a part of her identity for fit what she thought she had to be.

Through the time she was with Clinton & Stacy, she found out she could add feminine elements into her wardrobe without looking like pageant contestant. She was ecstatic that she could merge the hard biker side with her softer mommy side & still be true to herself.

So, I started thinking about other 'groups' that do this. You have people of different races that believe they have to act or dress a certain way or they betray their race, but betray who they are inside. Same thing with political & religious groups.


I believe this is the reason why so many people are so unhappy. Why young people hurt or in extreme events, commit suicide. People are told they have to fit in this little box or they are betrayers, disloyal, unfaithful, and wrong.

I see myself as Jennie. This is how I self-identify. If you want more than that, I also see myself as colorful, funny, caring, loving, messy, emotional, awesome friend & aunt.

So I ask you again, how do you see you?

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dear Politicians,

I would like to see all of your medical degrees. Oh, most of you don't have them. Okay, let's try this then. How long were insurance agents before getting into politics? Oh, you never sold insurance. You don't understand risk factors & premiums. Good to know.

Wait, you're saying you want what's best for me? Really, truly? Then let me be in charge of my own life. I don't believe in man-made chemicals for medicine. I know, I know, there's no big money in that, but its how I chose to live MY life.

If I want 64 oz of pop/soda, I'm going to have some. If I want to eat fast food, I'm going to do it. If I want the US Government out of my personal life, believe me, I will find a way to do it.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

No White Guilt Here

So the other night, I'm watching Red Eye on Fox, when they show this video of a bunch of 'white' people with stuff written on their faces talking about how they are ashamed they're white. Not only we're they ashamed of being white, they also said it was a privilege.

Okay, for the record, I am done, I am over this cliche/meme or whatever you want to call it. Get over yourselves! You're part of the problem!! Let me tell you what being 'white' means to me.

1~ I've been yelled at for my great-grandparents owning slaves. Really? Show me proof. Part of my family came over after slavery ended, the rest lived up North & were too broke to own any.

2~ 30+ SPF. Anything lower, I burn. If I was any whiter, I'd glow in the dark.

3~ Sunlight & my eyes don't get along. I cannot go out, no matter the temp, without my sunglasses if the sun is out.

4~ Name calling like redneck & white trash. Yay for originality.

5~ Last one, but far from the least, being called racist. Seriously? You're calling me a racist based on the color of MY skin? Is that not racist? If you see me & the first thing that comes to your mind, is a stereotype of race, you have issues.

I will never apologize for having less melanin. That's stupid! If you feel guilty because of this, go see a psychiatrist. Treat people based on their character, nothing else. It makes life a lot simpler.

Friday, June 22, 2012

How Common is Courtesy?

Now I know I am no Emily Post, but I have some manners. Yes, I understand that etiquette is slightly different than manners, but go with me on this one. The more I venture out of my social circle into more of world, I have found out not a lot of people have this thing called common courtesy.

I was taught that manners were used to make others feel comfortable & respected. When I was in the hospital when I was younger, my parents made me write thank you notes to those who visited me & brought gifts to keep me busy. At 13, I thought it was stupid, but I did it anyway. Now that I'm older, I understand better. It's just good manners to thank people for their time.

A little over a week ago, my niece was married. YAY! Her mother was doing the cooking for the reception. My niece sent out the invitations with the RSVP cards in time to make sure her mother knew how much to make. So, two things happened with poor manners (or no common courtesy): #1~ She sent an invite to one her dad's friend, did not put down & guest, but his son invited himself anyway. (My niece didn't want the son there, but didn't want drama over it, so she let it passed) #2~ Less than a week before the wedding, people called up or in casual conversation said they were coming. Too late, the food has been bought. The wheels are in motion.

Those things did upset me. But there is one more thing that happened that day they really made me angry. I will put this disclaimer down now, I'm old school when it comes to formal events. Her niece & her husband were having a formal wedding, they had friends show up looking like they just rolled out of bed. Seriously? They have planned for months for these short few hours. You were kept in the loop of what was happening that day, & you couldn't find something decent to wear? I find that inconsiderate.

Now that my little rant is done, now on to other things. I never really thought much about manners until I met people that didn't have them. Little things, like constantly interrupting conversations. I have to say, with all the rudeness I find, I also see the good. While I was at Blog Con, I saw a lot good manners, especially when it came to the men. Saw men find a seat for ladies when they came outside to smoke. One night, I witnessed a man make sure that everyone had a seat in the restaurant before he would sit down & relax. On my last night there, I shared a taxi with two gentlemen. When it came to pay the driver, I got out my wallet, was told to put it away, they had it.

It's out there. I've seen it. The only way we can see more of it, is to demand it. Too many times, we've allowed people to be rude because we don't want to seem rude ourselves. Well, I for one will not stand for it any longer! I let people know when they are out of line. I don't shout it in their face, because that would be rude, but they know where I stand. I believe taking little steps like this can change your own little corner of the world into a more pleasant one.

Have a beautifully awesome day!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Rant #42

Here are a few things that are driving me nuts this week.

#1 ~ Edgy female comics like Margaret Cho, Wanda Sykes & Janeane Garafalo, who all in the 90's keep their edge by talking about their sexual encounters with guys & telling dick jokes. Once everyone got bored with that schtick, then, like, OMG, they came out as lesbians/bisexuals. Now they have edge & relevance again, sorta, kinda, I guess.

#2~ Tim Poe. A contestant on America's Got Talent came out on stage with a pronounced stutter and told a story about how he got the stutter. He said he was serving in the Army over in Afghanistan, and got hit by a rocket propelled grenade with left him with a brain injury. Then proceeded to sing Garth Brooks 'If Tomorrow Never Comes'. He sang it beautifully. He received a standing ovation and was passed to the next round. The day after his episode aired, news came out that he was LYING!!! Yes, he did serve in the National Guard, but his records show that he was never injured!! He lied about getting injured in the line of duty to get on a show.

#3~ Bloomberg (Mr Nanny State) & Michelle O (Ms Buick Butt). I'm sick of them to tell me & others what to eat, how much to eat, and how cook/season it. As far as I know, neither one is a doctor or nutritionist. Not only that, neither one is my mother. As I tell people, 'You ain't my momma, I don't got to listen to you!' News to them, you don't know me, don't try to control me.

#4~ Over-regulation!! Have you tried to donate to a food pantry lately?

#5~ Cost of bacon. It's to damn high! That is all.

*This just in, Janeane hasn't come out as lesbian, she just dresses like one. Sorry for any confusion.*

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Why I Love Living in America

This Memorial Day, I was thinking about those who died to keep me free & what it means to me. Because of those who gave all, I can do the following things;

*in no particular order*

-drive a car.
-go out in public without a chaperone.
-worship my God in church.
-say whatever is on my mind.
-own a home.
-work outside the home.
-watch any movie I want.
-choose my news source.
-have an opinion.
-get married or not.
-wear clothes of my choosing.
-have unlimited internet access.
-own a gun (or two, maybe three).
-to create. Whether its art or technology, I can.
-to be happy.
-be a hoarder if I want.
-be on a reality show.
-a chance to become POTUS.
-be a CEO.
-to not live in fear.
-to pray healing over someone in public.
-be silly in public.
-be a carnivore, vegetarian or vegan.
-shop at the stores I want.
-question boldly & often.
-be different.
-not agree with the government.

This is just a short list. If you are reading this, thank a vet. If you want to make a difference in their lives, donate to a VA home. Donate time, socks, coffee, sugar free snacks, basically anything. The government has forgotten a lot of these fine Americans, please don't forget them also.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Rules of Twitter

Follow these simple rules and we'll get along just fine.

#1 ~ Don't beg for a follow back. Makes you seem needy.
#2 ~ Don't get all pissy when I don't follow you back.
#3 ~ If you make fun of people via twitter, don't get upset when twitter strikes back with a hashtag game about you.
#4 ~ Blocking & reporting for spam is not the appropriate response against the hashtag players. (Looking at you, Roseanne)
#5 ~ Don't tell me who I am allowed to follow & talk to on twitter. None of you are my mother, therefore I don't listen to any of you.
#6 ~ Remember that not everyone cares about everything that comes out of your mouth.
#7 ~ Twitter is full of B.S. artists.
#8 ~ I make fun of politics as much as possible. Try not to take it all seriously.
#9 ~ Also, I am a female. I ride a rollercoaster with my emotions & how I feel about myself. Enjoy the ride with me or unfollow.
And finally...
#10  ~  If you follow me & are a male, really remember this one! I am nothing more than a tease. I say things to get a reaction. Also, you're welcome.

Follow these 10 simple rules, not only will I get along with you, but others will too. Trust me, I watch doctors on TV.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ask The Diva

Awhile ago, I asked some of my friends to give me sample questions for an advice column I wanted to do. I answered them sent them in, but I didn't get picked up. Probably for good reason, but I feel like I still owe it to my friends to see their questions answered. So with that, here we go.

Dear Diva,
I just accidently pepper sprayed myself in the eye. I tried rinsing it out with water, but it still burns. What precautions should be taken?
Having a Blonde Moment

Dear Blonde,
Well, start by not being a blonde. Then take the following steps; 1) Point away from face 2) Don't spray unless needed 3) If needed, POINT AWAY FROM FACE! I hope that helps. Just keep rinsing, the stinging will gradually go away.

Dear Diva,
What advice would give a first time voter that does not like Obama or Romney? What should they do on election day?

Dear Undecided,
I understand your pain & anguish. Here's what you can do; dress up in the Halloween costume of your choice, go to the polling station, vote 3rd party. If enough people start thinking outside the party lines & go with their guts, DC would be radically changed.

Dear Diva,
After a first date, do I txt him, tweet her, or just wait them to call me?
Not Sure

Dear Not Sure,
First thing I would do, is find out if they are male or female. It kind of helps with further dates. Depends on what kind of relationship you want with this person. If you just want it casual, text. I wouldn't tweet them, unless they have a hardcore twitter addiction, then you should DM them. If you wait for them to call you, you run the risk of them thinking that you are not interested. Good luck!

If you like any of my answers, or just want to ask someone silly questions (or ones you think will stump me) email me at If I get enough, I'll do this again. ;)

Parenting & the School Board 101

Who raises your children? Who is the top disciplinarian in their lives? Is it you, or is it your favorite local school board?

Here is the reason I ask. When I was in school, almost had a pocket knife. No big deal. In some schools, they had shooting teams so kids had rifles. Those usually stayed in their vehicles, but still on school grounds. No one questioned, no one batted an eye, and we all made it out alive.

I know a kid who brought their dad's pistol to school. The school called the mother. The mother came to school & got her kid. She then proceeded to beat her kid's derriere all the way home. Then once she got home, she slapped her husband for not taking better care of his pistol.

See how that went. The school's involvement was seeing that a problem existed with the child, then let the parents discipline the child. The child hurt no one at school, therefore the school did the right thing. Then again, this was before the zero tolerance policy.

I bring that up because I've had with the oversensitizing of the safety & welfare of children nowadays. Don't get me wrong, I love children, but some of this is just too much.

A 6 year old boy gets a 3 day suspension for quoting the song lyric "I'm sexy & I know it." It was filed under sexual harassment. Are you kidding me? If that's sexual harassment, then you have to charge over half of my shop & 75% of twitter. An elementary school kid gets expelled because his mom packed a plastic knife in his lunch bag. The school considered the knife a weapon. Again, really? Not that I've ever tried to stab someone with a plastic knife, but I'm going to think that it would be hard to do. You might break skin, have a boo-boo for a few days.

When did the school start believing that they could raise our children better than us? I don't want teachers & the school board raising my children. Especially in high school, when it comes to sex ed. Sorry, but seeing how 'sex ed' has been taught in the last few years, yeah, don't want a 32 year old having sex with my 15 year old. But then again, that's just me.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I seriously do not know how much stupid I can take. I have a guy at work that wants to have background investagation done on one the supervisors, because the supervisor is orginally from Columbia. Never mind that he's been with the company for almost 30 years, lived in two different states for the job. Its not good enough for him. My co-worker wants it done because the supervisor isn't 'American'.

I was having a smoke after work talking to a couple of the women from the plant, I was talking about something and said the phrase 'Indian'. She stopped me in the middle of my sentence & said, "Do you mean 'Native American'? Actually 'True American'?" Earlier, this same woman when trying to get the attention of a Vietnamese co-worker (who speaks English & has better grammar than she does) makes clicking noises at him. Like the African clicking language.

I'm so sick of having to watch what I say & do, because lord knows I don't want to offend or hurt someone's precious little feelings. Apparently, I'm the wrong skin shade, religion, & political affliation to say how I feel without people gunning after me.

I'm over the thin-skinness of America today. Get over yourselves!!! In my heart of hearts, I don't judge you on your skin color, unless you're a tan-orexic. Could really care less. Don't care where you came from. I'm judging you on how you present yourself at that moment. If you are acting slutty, I'm going to call you a slut. If you are acting like damn fool, I'm going to call you out on it. Why should I hurt myself by holding my tongue because of your feelings?

Just stop worrying about everyone's feelings. The quicker we can do that as a society, the quicker we can get the economy back to where its supposed to be. Don't preoccupy your mind with stupid, stupid drivel.

By the way, just so we're clear, stop the stupid!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What We Can Learn From Unions

What is one of the first thing you think of when you think of unions? They're organized. For better or for worse, they are VERY organized.

Case in point, they have local meetings at least every 2 months. Most locals have them once a month. Also, they have committees for just about everything. Veteran, women, civil rights, educational, recreational and others, depending on the local.

The unions also have educational getaways that are paid by union dues. Each union has a different place, owned by the union. For the week or weekend that you are there, the worker will go to workshops. They'll learn different ways to strengthen the union. Teach them every thing they to know, so when they go back to work they're armed with knowledge.

This is how the union is able to mobilize the way they do. They are highly organized. If there is a political protest that the union wants you at, they have what is referred to as a 'call out'. The union pays you for the time you would have been at work to show up. Sometimes they even provide transportation. All this is paid for by union dues.

So the question is, how do we as conservatives rally against this?

Friday, April 27, 2012

A Small Glimpse Into A Liberal's Mind

At work today, I mentioned to one of my co-workers the blog I wrote yesterday. Wouldn't you know, right after the words came out of my mouth, I knew I was in for a head desk moment.

Here's what happened. I was explaining to him that family farms can't afford to hire hands like big farms. I went through all the points I made last night. He looked at me with a straight face and said, "Well, what about the families that have 30 children & make them work 80 hours a week?"

First, if a farmer is able to have 30 without having sister wives, more power to him. (And his wife) Second, if you have 30 children they won't have to work 80 hours a week, unless they're a big farm with 1,000+ heads of cattle & 200+ acres of land.

That aside, I looked at him and said, "SO? That is their way of life. Who are we to tell them different. Are the children being harmed?" He said, "Yes, because they don't go to school."

Unfortunately, that was the end of our discussion, because he's my jobsetter & had to go fix a machine. I should mention that his was raised in union everything family. This saddens me because there is too many people out there that think like that.

Newsflash!!! Life has risks. The government was not put in place to protect you from all risks & hurts. Sometimes you have to fail, its how you learn. Don't believe me, read up on Thomas Edison. How many times did he fail before he got it right?

It scares me that people are willing to allow the government to tell them how to eat, raise their children, run their business. No wondering we are failing as a country. We must send all these liberal thinkers back to school & re-teach them. This had gone on way too long & it needs to stop, NOW!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Get Off My Farm!!

America's history is in farming. It was how we survived. We were known as being an agricultural society. The government has been slowly chipping away at it. They started subsidize farming, so you have dirt farmers. Now, they are going after family farms. Not the ones that have a thousand head of cattle or 100+ acres of land to till, family farms. They want to put a limit on how much chores the children can do on the farm.

This is making my head hurt! The aritcle I read this morning made the comment of we're going to follow the European model. Hello?!? There's a reason most of our families left Europe. Also, have you seen their financial situation?

I grew up and still live in a farming community. I know the reason why public schools get June, July, & August off. I know that farming gets expensive & is very labor intensive. Think about some of these things that I have learned just growing up around farms. Never work at one, they're stinky. Tractors are expensive. The tires for tractors are expensive. Fuel for them isn't cheap. Feed cost money. Veterinarians are costly. Farmers have big families to help with the chores of working on the farm.

This is a way of life. It is not for everyone. This just shows me how out of touch the U.S. government is with the American people. Not all of us live in N.Y. or L.A.. A great majority of us live in what they would refer to as 'fly over country'. I believe they are stepping over the lines. Getting their hands into something they know nothing about.

What's next? They're going to tell me how many chores my child can do inside the house? Can wash dishes one night a week or mow the lawn once a month?

The Department of Labor needs to step back. Farming is the one business that will keep this country afloat. Stop fiddling with it!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Blog Con Breakthrough

If you've the personal, non-political blogs I have written, you know I have social anxiety. So let's put myself at a conference in another state with about 300 people I've never met face to face. Add in another factor of me having some health issues. As you may guess it adds up to be an interesting weekend. Which it was!

I think I did okay. No one has told me different. It was very overwhelming for me. It was like going to a family reunion & you've only been dating your guy/girl for a few months.

So the first person I really talked to was Jimmie Bise Jr. I love him. He is so friendly. But He did do something that almost made me cry. He told me I was beautiful. Now, you have to understand, up until then the only people (outside my family) to tell me that I am beautiful were my female friends & drunk guys at closing time. So that started my experience.

After that I started meeting more people I met on twitter. I was happy to finally meet part of my anti-social social circle. I also some big dogs of the twitterverse & bloggosphere. If it wasn't for the fact I haven't eaten since breakfast & started drinking at the Detroit airport, I'm not sure I would have done as well as I did.

After that, everything kinda happened very fast for me. I did have some slow when I was away from people. I had so many conversations with so many people. As a matter of fact, I talked to so many, I felt like I was campaigning & I forgot to do that!!

I do remember trying to socialize as much as possible. Trying make as much of the experience as I could, mainly because I don't know if I'll be able to this again. If I keep my job, then I will be able to. I've only been out of debt completely for a few months, so I'm still getting used to it.

To summarize, I did a few things that 6 months ago I would have put money on the fact that I wouldn't have done it because of finances & anxiety. I traveled by myself. I allowed myself to be in a room with essentially strangers.

I'm so glad that I went though. Number one, it was great to get away for a few days, meet new people. Number two, it was awesome to prove to myself that I can do it. That I'm proving that stupid voice in the back of my head that I am worth more.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Safety or Control?

So I was watching this movie called 'The Color of Friendship' on the Disney Channel. (Don't judge, it was 3 am) It was set in the late 1970's, it was centered around the apartheid in South Africa & a U.S. congressman from California that was trying to stop it. He hosted a exchange student from South Africa. Now, the big thing is he was a black congressman & she was white.

The congressman in the movie was Ron Dellums. So you can look up more of his story it you want. Its a good story.

The reason I'm writing this is because of what the girl from South Africa kept saying, "It's for our/their safety." Why do the Bantu (black people) need passes? For their safety. Why are these books/songs, TV programs banned? For our safety.

It hit me. How many laws have the US congress passed in the last 100 years that were for our 'safety', but really were chipping away at our freedom?

Want a gun? How long can you wait? Can you afford the ammunition? Do you have a safe? Will there be children in house? How many do you want?

Want to fly? Do you have common name that might show up on a watch list? Can you get all your liquids into a quart size Ziploc bag? Don't forget to leave your nail clipper at home, because its a weapon!

Think about it, those are only 2 examples. We are heading towards this huge nanny state. We know better. We have so many examples from history to learn from, but we're not. We are sitting on our butts doing nothing except complain every once in awhile.

I'm not going to take it anymore! Are you?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Wanna Start A War!

Actually the war has already been started. This particular war start quite awhile ago.

I am a straight white Christian conservative. If I say anything against the LGBT movement, I'm a homophobe. If I say anything negative about someone that has more melanin than me, I'm a racist. If I speak about God or Jesus, I'm slamming religion down others throats. If I want smaller government, I'm against poor people.


I refuse to allow the political correctness of America change the way I speak. If you get offended, that is your problem, not mine. If you want a war on words, bring it! Make sure your spelling & grammar are correct, because they count.

You've been warned.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

More of My Story

Last night, I did my first call in to my friend's, Ai Politics, internet radio show. We discussed personal budgeting/ finance. Because of time & how broad you can take that topic, big chunks of my story was left out.

Growing up, we were comfortable. Always had food on the table, bills were paid on time, and we had health insurance on and off through the years. I worked in high school so I would know how to balance a checkbook before I moved out on my own.

When I was 24, I moved in with my brother to help him raise his two children. When I first moved in, it was fine. My brother made enough to pay the household bills. So I was able to go to school during the day, be with the kids at night, & work on the weekends. But life happened. My brother screwed up. Lost his job. He was able to find a job after a while, but had to take a drastic pay cut. I used my credit card to float us through part of this. I also donated plasma for $50 a week.

Through God's grace, we were able to stay at the house for at least another year before foreclosure. We found a house for rent close to school. I was out of school by then, but still only worked part time.  By this time, my credit card was maxed out. I had no extra money to pay on it, so it sat collecting interest. I also had problems with my car. God's grace again, I got my mom's old minivan to drive.

My credit was so bad. I had no extra money. I became ashamed & depressed. Here I was, a woman in her 20's, broke. I couldn't even thinking about dating. No way could I try to go into a relationship with this bad of credit.

I finally did get a full-time job! I was so excited. A straight 40 hour paycheck really help with bill paying. For the first time in years, I was hopeful about the future. Then six months later, I was fired. I've never been fired before. I didn't do anything wrong. I found out that's what this one boss did, bring someone in for six months, then fire them. I was crushed! One week before my birthday.

So for the first time in my life, I went on unemployment. In Michigan, every two weeks you call their automated phone line named MARVIN. MARVIN became my new best friend. Nice thing is I live in a small town. People found out what happened to me and were willing to help me find a job.

The local Delphi plant was closing, so they were looking for temp workers to help close the place down. The legacy people would buy-out, retire, or be able to transfer to GM plants. The hitch was you needed to be a friend or family member of someone working at the plant. Good thing I grew up in the town & I knew people in there. I was told I would have a job for at least 8 months. The starting pay was $14/hr. I took the job!

I started at the end of June, by the middle of February, my job there was done. I did start as a temp, but somehow my bargaining chairman got in the union. I was still out of a job. The union did tell me that was an opportunity I could go to the plant in a nearby town, they just didn't know when. So back on unemployment I went.

I was off work for 7 months. During this time, the bill collectors began to call. Remember that credit card I didn't pay on? Yeah, I had over $6K on it. They wanted me to put $3K down, then do monthly payments. They threaten me with a lawyer. I told them 'Go ahead, I have no money.'

The day after Labor Day, I started at the plant where I am currently. That week, I got served papers from the credit card company. Wow, news travels quick. Went to mediation, set up a payment plan.

Between my credit card, student loan, & car, I was way over my head in debt! I didn't think I would ever get out, but God came through again. The church I was attending at the time was doing Financial Peace University classes. I went through them once before, but if you have no money, it makes it hard to follow. So I went again. I followed most of the steps. (I have a really bad rebellious streak in me) Through, a lot of cut backs, not a lot of luxuries, and a lot of overtime, I stand before you today, DEBT-FREE!!!

So it is possible. It isn't easy, not always glamorous, but you do feel better when its over!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

I Have It, Do You?

Growing up, I was taught that having 'class' is something that someone cannot take away from you. Its up to you if you want it or not. Low income people can have class, while the higher bracket people may not.

After watching the news for the last month, I've come to the conclusion that real class war isn't between the haves & the haves not, its between those with class & those without.

Within an hour of Andrew Breitbart passing, tweets were sent out about how he was in hell and that he was hater (well, worse stuff than that) Even some 'journalists' made their own commentary on him on their shows. One person even started a fake twitter account under Andrew's widow's name to tweet crap about him.

In this past week, the Trayvon Martin case blew up in the media. Once again, twitter was there to add gasoline to the fire. Spike Lee tweeted what he thought was George Zimmerman's address. Roseanne Barr tweeted that if the cops didn't arrest him, she may show up at his house. To do what you may ask? I don't want to know. In a course of a weekend, I saw thousands of death threats on a man that people never heard of hours prior. A few even called for the rape of Zimmerman's mother.

Even now as I watch TV, I see the classlessness of the US. This hurts my soul. What happen to us as a nation? I remember growing up I was taught manners. How I was to speak to elders. How to treat the world around me.

Anger shown was supposed to be a last resort. Now mind you, I'm not always the most polite, but I do try. I say thank you when someone does something nice. Sometimes I say it when someone does their job correctly. But to lash out at the smallest slight? That seems childish.

So I guess what I'm calling for is the growing up of America. To rely on oneself. To treat others with respect. To debate civilly. We don't all to agree, but at least act like adult.

If you disagree, you can kiss my class!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Real War on Women

I'm calling for all of media to give me their 'gender war' cards. That's right, put them in my hand. You can get them back when you learn how to use the term correctly. Now go back to your desk, get out your notebooks & maybe learn something.

Calling for taxpayers to pay for your birth control or abortions & when they say no, is NOT a war on women. Never was, quit saying it!

Two examples of the war on women in American history are:
~ When President Woodrow Wilson threw suffragettes in jail, where they were beaten & not fed, just because they wanted their voices heard in the form of the right to vote.
~ When women were paid 75 cents to the man's dollar in the work place. When women couldn't be more than anything 'pink collar'.

Don't get me wrong, there is a war on women and it had nothing to do with me paying for anyone else's birth control. There are still women being abused physically & sexually in this country because they are the fairer sex. There are women in other countries who get their genitalia 'circumsized' so they can't feel sexual pleasure. Some countries even sew girls vaginas up so they won't 'sin'. Women who get burned if there is even a slight glimpse of non-submittance.

You have women in America who believe they are nothing more than sexual property. They live their lives stripping & prosituting with blank eyes. Told they were worthless. You have women & children all over the world, (yes, even in the US) who are sold into sex slavery.

The real war on women is being fought by charities who helping get women out of the sex industry & trade. People who risk their lives to show women they are worth more. Teaching them work skills to support their families.

So let's get real about this war on women! Fight the real war, not the pretend one place on us by the media. Want to help fight for these women? Here are some links to just some of the charities that help women. Some I've been asked not too put on the blog because they're underground for security reasons.

Please take time to visit these websites. Let's fight the real war on women. Thank you.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I'm on the Campaign Trail again!

Okay, some more promises from a Presidential hopeful, ME!

* All bills should be around 30 pages long. No more than 50 pages. If a bill goes over 50 pages, I will veto it! Actually, I'll send it back for edit. I'm a busy woman. I don't have time to read more than that. Let's be honest, most of the time its full of riders when they get long. No more free rides!!

* I will shut down K Street. No more lobbying. One of my co-workers wants me to take it a step further. He wants me to make it a capital offense. Then auction off the position of executioner and put the money towards the national debt.

* All congressmen/women would get the same pay as of that of an enlisted in the military. Not only that, they will also get the same health benefits. Even after retirement or vote out. Why should they get paid better than our men & women who wrote this country a blank check with their lives?

* Last but not least, TAXES! I would implement a flat tax of 9.5%. God only ask for 10%, how can I ask for more than he does? Oh no! With such a low tax rate, how we pay for everything? Easy. I would take what I have learned from Financial Peace University. There would be a lot cuts, but it would pay off HUGE in the long run.

With some of the changes I would place, this country will be strong again. Once again, become a shining beacon.

Remember, Vote for Me 2012!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Andy & Jesus

As I was falling asleep last night, okay early this morning, my thoughts went to how Andrew Breitbart had similarities with Jesus. Stay with me. I just had some randoms pop in my head before bed, wrote them down to share to the 3 people who will read this.

Here's my list ~

1~ They were both Jewish. (that one was easy)

2~ Both were unorthodox for their times & truly unique.

3~ Can you say polarizing figures?

4~ They both drew crowds where ever they went.

5~ Most importantly, they both had this love of people.

I don't know much about Andrew's faith, but I hope & pray that I see him in Heaven. His 2 hour hyperactive discussions would be considered short in eternity.