Sunday, May 27, 2012

Why I Love Living in America

This Memorial Day, I was thinking about those who died to keep me free & what it means to me. Because of those who gave all, I can do the following things;

*in no particular order*

-drive a car.
-go out in public without a chaperone.
-worship my God in church.
-say whatever is on my mind.
-own a home.
-work outside the home.
-watch any movie I want.
-choose my news source.
-have an opinion.
-get married or not.
-wear clothes of my choosing.
-have unlimited internet access.
-own a gun (or two, maybe three).
-to create. Whether its art or technology, I can.
-to be happy.
-be a hoarder if I want.
-be on a reality show.
-a chance to become POTUS.
-be a CEO.
-to not live in fear.
-to pray healing over someone in public.
-be silly in public.
-be a carnivore, vegetarian or vegan.
-shop at the stores I want.
-question boldly & often.
-be different.
-not agree with the government.

This is just a short list. If you are reading this, thank a vet. If you want to make a difference in their lives, donate to a VA home. Donate time, socks, coffee, sugar free snacks, basically anything. The government has forgotten a lot of these fine Americans, please don't forget them also.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Rules of Twitter

Follow these simple rules and we'll get along just fine.

#1 ~ Don't beg for a follow back. Makes you seem needy.
#2 ~ Don't get all pissy when I don't follow you back.
#3 ~ If you make fun of people via twitter, don't get upset when twitter strikes back with a hashtag game about you.
#4 ~ Blocking & reporting for spam is not the appropriate response against the hashtag players. (Looking at you, Roseanne)
#5 ~ Don't tell me who I am allowed to follow & talk to on twitter. None of you are my mother, therefore I don't listen to any of you.
#6 ~ Remember that not everyone cares about everything that comes out of your mouth.
#7 ~ Twitter is full of B.S. artists.
#8 ~ I make fun of politics as much as possible. Try not to take it all seriously.
#9 ~ Also, I am a female. I ride a rollercoaster with my emotions & how I feel about myself. Enjoy the ride with me or unfollow.
And finally...
#10  ~  If you follow me & are a male, really remember this one! I am nothing more than a tease. I say things to get a reaction. Also, you're welcome.

Follow these 10 simple rules, not only will I get along with you, but others will too. Trust me, I watch doctors on TV.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ask The Diva

Awhile ago, I asked some of my friends to give me sample questions for an advice column I wanted to do. I answered them sent them in, but I didn't get picked up. Probably for good reason, but I feel like I still owe it to my friends to see their questions answered. So with that, here we go.

Dear Diva,
I just accidently pepper sprayed myself in the eye. I tried rinsing it out with water, but it still burns. What precautions should be taken?
Having a Blonde Moment

Dear Blonde,
Well, start by not being a blonde. Then take the following steps; 1) Point away from face 2) Don't spray unless needed 3) If needed, POINT AWAY FROM FACE! I hope that helps. Just keep rinsing, the stinging will gradually go away.

Dear Diva,
What advice would give a first time voter that does not like Obama or Romney? What should they do on election day?

Dear Undecided,
I understand your pain & anguish. Here's what you can do; dress up in the Halloween costume of your choice, go to the polling station, vote 3rd party. If enough people start thinking outside the party lines & go with their guts, DC would be radically changed.

Dear Diva,
After a first date, do I txt him, tweet her, or just wait them to call me?
Not Sure

Dear Not Sure,
First thing I would do, is find out if they are male or female. It kind of helps with further dates. Depends on what kind of relationship you want with this person. If you just want it casual, text. I wouldn't tweet them, unless they have a hardcore twitter addiction, then you should DM them. If you wait for them to call you, you run the risk of them thinking that you are not interested. Good luck!

If you like any of my answers, or just want to ask someone silly questions (or ones you think will stump me) email me at If I get enough, I'll do this again. ;)

Parenting & the School Board 101

Who raises your children? Who is the top disciplinarian in their lives? Is it you, or is it your favorite local school board?

Here is the reason I ask. When I was in school, almost had a pocket knife. No big deal. In some schools, they had shooting teams so kids had rifles. Those usually stayed in their vehicles, but still on school grounds. No one questioned, no one batted an eye, and we all made it out alive.

I know a kid who brought their dad's pistol to school. The school called the mother. The mother came to school & got her kid. She then proceeded to beat her kid's derriere all the way home. Then once she got home, she slapped her husband for not taking better care of his pistol.

See how that went. The school's involvement was seeing that a problem existed with the child, then let the parents discipline the child. The child hurt no one at school, therefore the school did the right thing. Then again, this was before the zero tolerance policy.

I bring that up because I've had with the oversensitizing of the safety & welfare of children nowadays. Don't get me wrong, I love children, but some of this is just too much.

A 6 year old boy gets a 3 day suspension for quoting the song lyric "I'm sexy & I know it." It was filed under sexual harassment. Are you kidding me? If that's sexual harassment, then you have to charge over half of my shop & 75% of twitter. An elementary school kid gets expelled because his mom packed a plastic knife in his lunch bag. The school considered the knife a weapon. Again, really? Not that I've ever tried to stab someone with a plastic knife, but I'm going to think that it would be hard to do. You might break skin, have a boo-boo for a few days.

When did the school start believing that they could raise our children better than us? I don't want teachers & the school board raising my children. Especially in high school, when it comes to sex ed. Sorry, but seeing how 'sex ed' has been taught in the last few years, yeah, don't want a 32 year old having sex with my 15 year old. But then again, that's just me.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I seriously do not know how much stupid I can take. I have a guy at work that wants to have background investagation done on one the supervisors, because the supervisor is orginally from Columbia. Never mind that he's been with the company for almost 30 years, lived in two different states for the job. Its not good enough for him. My co-worker wants it done because the supervisor isn't 'American'.

I was having a smoke after work talking to a couple of the women from the plant, I was talking about something and said the phrase 'Indian'. She stopped me in the middle of my sentence & said, "Do you mean 'Native American'? Actually 'True American'?" Earlier, this same woman when trying to get the attention of a Vietnamese co-worker (who speaks English & has better grammar than she does) makes clicking noises at him. Like the African clicking language.

I'm so sick of having to watch what I say & do, because lord knows I don't want to offend or hurt someone's precious little feelings. Apparently, I'm the wrong skin shade, religion, & political affliation to say how I feel without people gunning after me.

I'm over the thin-skinness of America today. Get over yourselves!!! In my heart of hearts, I don't judge you on your skin color, unless you're a tan-orexic. Could really care less. Don't care where you came from. I'm judging you on how you present yourself at that moment. If you are acting slutty, I'm going to call you a slut. If you are acting like damn fool, I'm going to call you out on it. Why should I hurt myself by holding my tongue because of your feelings?

Just stop worrying about everyone's feelings. The quicker we can do that as a society, the quicker we can get the economy back to where its supposed to be. Don't preoccupy your mind with stupid, stupid drivel.

By the way, just so we're clear, stop the stupid!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What We Can Learn From Unions

What is one of the first thing you think of when you think of unions? They're organized. For better or for worse, they are VERY organized.

Case in point, they have local meetings at least every 2 months. Most locals have them once a month. Also, they have committees for just about everything. Veteran, women, civil rights, educational, recreational and others, depending on the local.

The unions also have educational getaways that are paid by union dues. Each union has a different place, owned by the union. For the week or weekend that you are there, the worker will go to workshops. They'll learn different ways to strengthen the union. Teach them every thing they to know, so when they go back to work they're armed with knowledge.

This is how the union is able to mobilize the way they do. They are highly organized. If there is a political protest that the union wants you at, they have what is referred to as a 'call out'. The union pays you for the time you would have been at work to show up. Sometimes they even provide transportation. All this is paid for by union dues.

So the question is, how do we as conservatives rally against this?