Saturday, March 19, 2011

Don't know where to begin

My mind has been racing with so many things I want to talk about.

1. Crisis in Japan
2. Idiot in Libya
3. Protest in Michigan
4. What I would as President to clean up D.C.
5. Some Easter thoughts

So I'll condense them for tonight and maybe elaborate on them later.

1. Wow. Don't know where to start on clean-up. Keep praying no more disasters.
2. Kinda hoping for a sniper shot before annymore 'rebels' get killed.
3. Read the whole bill before reacting. We're only paying the governor $1/yr. Chill out! It's the 
    best we can afford.
4. 2 things off the top of my head. Close 'K Street' (lobbyists) & repeal the 17th Amendment.
    Keep balance of power.
5. Jesus is awesome. (I could elaborate more, but really, enough said)

Well, I got that out of my head. So now I can't forget. I'll learn to blog better later. Maybe. Probably not.

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