Friday, February 11, 2011

Warning: Idiot drivers are everywhere!!

Why are there so many of them? And why do they seem to travel in packs? Everytime there are strobing lights on the highway, they forget how to drive. Either they stare at the lights and cause an accident or they hit their brakes and cause an accident. I didn't think you really should have to take an IQ test to be able to drive! Seriously, how hard is it? I can understand slowing down for the cops' safety, but to rubberneck is almost suicidal.
Okay, I know you all have seen them, and if you haven't, you are one. Drivers who read the newspaper, shave their face, pluck their eyebrows all at 70 mph! You're driving a 1,000 pound perjectile at 70 mph and not paying attention to the road around you. (BTW, I'm guessimating to weight of a car/truck) I'm not for nanny stating when it comes to driving, but have some common sense though! Seriously.
I have this thing. I don't want to be in an accident. But if I am, I think its just right that if someone hits me, I get to hit them back. Am I wrong here?

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