Friday, August 31, 2012

Didn't Know I Was Even Nominated

I'm speechless. I'm not sure what I did to receive such an honor. It's official, I am an asshole.!/shoegazn/assholes/members

To be included in such a group, I'm so touch. *tearing up*
So many people to thank. Where to begin?

Well, first & foremost, I have to thank God. Without him, none of this would exist.
Ooh! Gotta thank my mom & dad. If they didn't have sex that one time, I wouldn't exist.
My high school history & government teacher, he taught me to see the corny/cheesy humor in politics.
Gotta give a big shout out to Evan Williams, creator of Twitter & Blogger. Without these sites, not as many people would know I'm an asshole.

The list is long, but instead of boring you with that, here some videos. Enjoy!

And of course, theme song

** As of Sept 9, 2012, I am no longer on the list. But still check it. This guy really doesn't like people.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Is this racist, Mr. Holder?

Hi! My name is Jennie. I voted today.

This is where I were I live. Population 4,275

This is where I voted.

This is what I saw on the door.

So I went in with no camera. First I had to fill out a slip of paper that asked me if I was an American citizen. Then sign my name. Under that, date of birth & current residential address.

After I fill out the slip of paper, I go to the table where I'm greeted by Dustin, the election committee chairman. He ask me for these.

So I handed him my ID. He scanned my ID into the computer. Everything was good. So he sent me to the next guy who gave me my ballot. I went to the little table, colored in some circles, put the ballot in the machine. I was done.

I guess I don't get the uproar about voter ID's. I've in this town & my life. Most of the election committee know me & my family, but I still show my ID.

Someone told me its a question of cost. In Michigan, your first driver's license cost you $25, renewal is $18. I have a chauffeur, which $35 each time. Regular ID's cost $10 (unless 65 years old+, then its free) each time.

I voted today.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Being a Commodore 64 in a PC world

I'm really over this hypersenstivity in America today. It makes no sense! When I was young, the saying was 'Sticks & stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.' What happened to that? Why must I change my way of speaking to make you feel better about yourself? So I can be called out to be a bully?

I've never been good at talking politically correct. I tried, in the 90's. Honest! Everyone was doing it. It was cool. I found myself having to talk more to get an idea across because I had to make sure I didn't offend anybody. How dreadfully boring! I like to speak quick & to the point. If I don't, I ramble.

But now it's gotten to the point, you might offend someone that's not even in the conversation or really care about your opinion. PC-ism is to protect everyone's feelings, right? Or is it about control?

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. About 5 years ago, I watched this comedian's routine. I wish I could remember his name, but I love the story just the same. He liked to use the words 'retard' or 'retarded in his show. After his show one night, an audience member came up to him, and said, 'You shouldn't use words like that. That will hurt the people with Down Syndrome feelings. They don't like to be called that.' His response was, " 'Really? Let's go ask Timmy. Hey, Timmy, what do you want to called?' 'Pickle!' " Timmy doesn't seem to care. He just wants to play & have fun.

Why are protecting people who don't want or don't need it?

Here's an another hypersenstivity becoming bullying tactic. Last week, I just signed onto Twitter & saw my friend was in a Twitter fight. So I added my two cents. The guy said he had a superior IQ & thus smarter than my friend. I let him know that IQ is not on a scale from 1-100, so the 86 that he scored wasn't really that good. Then for the next 22 hours, I was called a bigot, a bully, and gay basher. I was also told by many of them 'attacking' me that my God was just an imaginary friend. This all started when I made a sarcastic remark not knowing what the whole conversation. That was about 11 pm on a Sunday night. I left the discussion 2 hours later to go to sleep. When I signed back into Twitter Monday night, I found out I was still being harassed.

During that whole discussion, I found that these so-called victims were just verbal bullies. Not only that, the guy that started it all, blocked me. I find that hilarious. He started the fight, but couldn't handle truth, so he blocked me and others that night.

One last thing, I post things on Facebook, mainly internet political memes. Everytime I post anything that does not fit the liberal way of thinking, I get personally attacked. I think its funny. The "We're tolerant of everything as long as you agree with us" mentality is just absurd! If you don't think like them, you can have anything thrown at you. Most of the time, it mundane like saying you're naive or racist. Sometimes it's exetreme like wishing rape & murder on you.

But, I'm the bully.